Books, Children's Literature, Harry Potter Moment of the Week, Movies, YA

Harry Potter Moment of the Week #23


This is a meme started by Uncorked Thoughts which aims to share with fellow bloggers a weekly slice of HP awesomeness. It is an awesomeness that only increases with time and number of reads. Once a week we will share a character, spell, chapter, object, quote etc. from the books/films/J. K. Rowling (or anything Potter related)! Each topic will be posted on Uncorked Thoughts HERE. There will also be  free weeks where everyone can share whatever topic they want! Be sure to share your link on the main site for all other HP MOTW fans to enjoy!

This Week’s Theme: Best joke from the series

I’ve got a short one for you this week! There are so many moments that are amusing, or make me laugh throughout the series, and I don’t think I could possibly remember them all. So this might not be the “best” joke of the series, but this one from the Order of the Phoenix makes me laugh, every time.

fred and george humor

Hehe, it’s just fun. I love the sarcasm and humor of all the Weasley’s but, really, if it has Fred and George, it’s bound to be funny. And because I can never have just one moment, here’s a link to more funny moments from the Weasley twins. I dare you not to laugh!

Well, that’s really all I’ve got for ya! Just a small moment of sweet HP goodness! I hope you enjoyed it, and please, feel free to share your own thoughts on what you think the funniest joke was in the comments below!

11 thoughts on “Harry Potter Moment of the Week #23”

  1. There are so many amazing moments. I am not sure if it was meant to be funny or not, but I loved in the fourth book when Mrs Weasley sends them easter eggs, Harry and Ron get huge ones and Hermione gets a little one becasue Mrs Weasley thinks she’s toying with Harry. It makes me smile everytime.

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  2. Bahahaha oh my this is one of my favorite Fred + George jokes…and THAT is saying something because those boys have some of the best jokes/funny moments of the series XD They’re so perfectly sarcastic and hilarious! Awesome pick Kerry^^ x

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