Books, Children's Literature, Harry Potter Moment of the Week, Movies, YA

Harry Potter Moment of the Week #1


This is a meme started by Uncorked Thoughts which aims to share with fellow bloggers a weekly slice of HP awesomeness. It is an awesomeness that only increases with time and number of reads. Once a week we will share a character, spell, chapter, object, quote etc. from the books/films/J. K. Rowling (or anything Potter related)! Each topic will be posted on Uncorked Thoughts HERE. There will also be  free weeks where everyone can share whatever topic they want! Be sure to share your link on the main site for all other HP MOTW fans to enjoy!

This Week’s Theme: Favorite Romantic Moment

Well, this is a good place to begin!

I’m not sure that I thought there were too many really romantic moments throughout the series (it’s young love and I’m a little bit of a skeptic) but there were one or two that got to me. I’m choosing to go from the movies this time around and I just particularly loved this small moment from Deathly Hallows (Part 1).


Its a little tricky to see, but it’s Ron and Hermione, holding hands in their sleep. I just thought is was super sweet, and clever on the part of the director/actors to add this small detail that shows a great deal of caring and romance between these two. Especially since their relationship tended to be so tumultuous throughout the series. Here’s another shot that has better lighting and a different angle…Ron-Hermione-Hands 2

Well, that’s really all I’ve got for ya! Just a small moment of sweet HP goodness! I hope you enjoyed it, and please, feel free to share your own favorite romantic moment in the comments below!

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