Books, Children's Literature, Harry Potter Moment of the Week, YA

Harry Potter Moment of the Week #10


This is a meme started by Uncorked Thoughts which aims to share with fellow bloggers a weekly slice of HP awesomeness. It is an awesomeness that only increases with time and number of reads. Once a week we will share a character, spell, chapter, object, quote etc. from the books/films/J. K. Rowling (or anything Potter related)! Each topic will be posted on Uncorked Thoughts HERE. There will also be  free weeks where everyone can share whatever topic they want! Be sure to share your link on the main site for all other HP MOTW fans to enjoy!

This Week’s Theme: Where would you live as a witch/wizard? (With muggles, magical surrounding etc.)

Oooh, this is a very interesting question. Where would I want to live as a witch or wizard?? There are so many enticing, delightful choices. I could have a house in London like Grimmauld Place, or live in a completely magical community like Godric’s Hollow or stay near Hogwarts in Hogsmeade. Or I could live among the muggles. (That… probably not gonna happen.) Now, I would truly love to live at the Weasley’s house, but seeing as I am not a member of their family, it would be weird if they just had a random stranger decide to move in. That’s not the best way to make friends in the magical community. I think, if I could pick any place, I would want to live here:

Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley!

So, over the years I’ve become a total urbanite, and I don’t think I would want to live out in the countryside (Lovely though it might be, I prefer the city, unless of course, I was wealthy enough to also have a summer home somewhere, lol!). I prefer the bustle of city living. However, I would also want to live amongst my fellow witches and wizards. That’s what makes Diagon Alley so perfect! It’s lively, hidden in the heart of London, and full of magical people. I think if I could live in an apartment above one of the shops, I would be very happy.

Diagon_Alley_South_Side PottermoreDiagonAlley1

As you can see in the pictures of Diagon Alley, there are plenty of spaces up above most of the shops. I think I could pick any of them, I’d want to Diagon_Alley_Maplive above Flourish & Blott’s (because who wouldn’t want to live near a bookstore? Or above the Apothecary shop. So convenient for all your wizarding needs, and really close to the Leaky Cauldron if I feel like grabbing a drink with my wizarding pals!


Well, that’s really all I’ve got for ya! Just a small moment of sweet HP goodness! I hope you enjoyed it, and please, feel free to share your own thoughts on where you would live in the comments below!

9 thoughts on “Harry Potter Moment of the Week #10”

  1. I would want the Weasleys to adopt me so I can live at the Burrow 😀 Then we’d all be happy. I didn’t even consider Diagon Ally being a place to live, but you make a great point. I didn’t think about the apartment like living spaces above the shops. Excellent choice 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. oohh I never knew that there was a map of Diagon Alley!
    I think I’d live in Godric’s Hollow. It’s really historical where The Potters and Dumbledores used to live. It’d be fun 🙂


  3. That would indeed be lovely, even though I think I would find it too noisy. However, I think I wouldn’t mind to actually have a little fancy shop there and a flat above))


  4. As much as I tend to prefer the country, living in Diagon Alley sounds like a total dream come true to me 😀 It has EVERYTHING. You would NEVER be bored. Although I’m not sure being so close to all those wonderful shops would be good for my Gringotts account LOL Fantastic pick ^^

    Liked by 1 person

  5. As much as I prefer the country over the city now that I’ve done both for extended periods of time, one of my FAVORITE parts in the entire series is when Harry gets to spend an entire week on his own in Diagon Alley ♥!! Just think of all the fun you could have browsing all those shops, the good food, the cool people and everything else! Oh I don’t think I would ever leave 😀 Wonderful pick ^^

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  6. Diagon Alley would be a really great place to live! It would be great to be among so many other wizards and magical shops *sigh* that would be heaven. Although I am much more a country girl so I would like to visit Diagon Alley instead of live there, but it would still be wonderful to be in the crowd on the streets of Diagon Alley 😀

    Thanks for stopping by my Harry Potter Moment 🙂


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